Poetry Slam 2025 Highlights

AEF's 2nd Annual Poetry Slam on March 22, 2025 at Books Inc. was a wonderful family event! Many thanks to the staff and Event Coordinator, Jerry Thompson, of Books Inc. Alameda for being such gracious hosts for this event for the 2nd year in a row!

Poet Maw Shein Win read her poem Thistles, talked about her life and her poetry writing, and took questions from the audience. She ended the program by giving each attendee a broadsheet which included a copy of her poem with a photograph of a thistle.

Then 12 students read their poems, about nature or inspired by the nature poetry of Maw Shein Win. For adults it can be easy to forget how brave it is to read one's words to a room of strangers. Even though many of the students were nervous as they came up to the microphone, their words were magical and inspirational!

Students who read their poems represented Alameda High, Encinal High, Lincoln Middle School, Bay Farm, Earhart, Edison, Love and Otis Elementary Schools. Voice actor, Mary Windishar, read 24 poems by students from Edison, Love, Maya Lin and Otis Elementary Schools and Bay Farm Middle School.

Here are a few photos from the event. The first photo shows (L to R) Poet Shanti Lair-Croom, Poet Maw Shein Win, AEF Executive Director Julia Owens, AEF Art Program Director Pam Riley Chang, and Mary Windishar.