Alameda Asteroids Blaze Trails
by jill
Over 40 6th - 8th graders competed in this fall’s Alameda Asteroids cross country program under the incomparable coaching of Debra Cramer and Don Porteous. This AEF Enrichment program provides middle schoolers from all Alameda public school sites the opportunity to come together and develop as a team. The runner participated in 4 meets this season, including a home meet at Crab Cove and a championship meet at Kennedy Grove. Along the way, student-athletes learned the basics of training, fitness and conditioning along with challenging themselves to reach their personal best. All of this is enveloped in a positive team-building atmosphere that centers sportsmanship and respect. Congratulations Asteroids!
What Students and Parents are Saying
Thank you for hosting a fabulous meet. My student’s team had a blast on the very scenic course.
Thank YOU so much for a great season! My student enjoyed the program so much, he is really motivated to continue running.
Thanks so much for your dedication! Love the character building and fitness for my student.
“Hi Coach Debra! I just wanted to tell you thank you for everything. From how much I’ve improved to the knowledge I’ve learned. I have to admit that in the beginning, I wasn’t the most excited about running, but the more I kept going the less I complained and started looking forward to it. Running is a mental sport that requires a strong, positive mindset rather than a fast body. sin this is the case, I find that you’re an extremely admirable person for your commitment to this sport that brings … Read more
Your program is amazing! Thanks for showing these kids all the fun of XC!!! I appreciate that you do all that on top of coaching the kids, organizing the meets, and figuring out the carpool. My son has gained a lot of confidence and enjoys running, thanks to this program. We are very grateful to you and Don for offering this opportunity to the kids. Thank you so much.
My son has gained a lot of confidence and enjoys running, thanks to this program. We are very grateful to you and Don for offering this opportunity to the kids. Thank you so much.
Thank you again for the great season. My son says he would like to run in the spring (and summer!). We’re glad he found something he likes to do.
Thanks Coach Debra for these photos; and thank you for the entire season where you have been an amazing coach/mentor and friend to our kids.