Category: Community Awards

Bank of Marin grant 2025

Thank You Bank of Marin!

Thank you to the Bank of Marin for granting $2,500 to Alameda Education Foundation to support AEF Teacher Mini Grants! With a specific focus on need, Teacher Mini Grants provide an opportunity for AUSD teachers to apply for items that will benefit their students but that are not covered in the school budget. Many of these grants focus on teachers at Title I schools and special programs, such as Special Ed and English Language Learning.

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Rotary matching grant awarded November 2024

Alameda Rotary Club Gives Matching Grant to AEF

On Tuesday, November 19, 2024 the Alameda Rotary Club presented $19,750 in matching grants to nonprofit organizations to support the important services and support that they provide in our community. The grants were presented at a meeting at Trinity Lutheran Church, which provided its Fellowship Hall for the event. Alameda Education Foundation received a matching grant from the Alameda Rotary Club along with several other non-profits in Alameda.

The grants are “matching” because individual Rotarians can make a donation to a worthy nonprofit in our community and then have our club’s foundation “match” that amount to double their donation.

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Windemere Foundation donation

Thank You Windermere Foundation!

AEF is very grateful to be a part of a group of Alameda non-profits who received a generous donation from Windemere Foundation.

Shannon Reese from Windemere wrote: “Windermere Bay Area Properties is grateful to be connected with such dedicated leaders in the Alameda community. It’s a privilege to work alongside each of you to make a positive impact here.”

Thank you Windemere for your support of Alameda students and teachers!

 » Read more about: Thank You Windermere Foundation!  »

Descendants Film Award

‘Descendants’ Wins Film Award

Descendants: The Story of Us‘ was the Lunda Award recipient at the 22nd Annual Oakland International Film Festival in October 2024. This short film, created and produced by Shanti Lair–Croom and directed by Shaun Daniels, best exemplified the theme of the Lunda Award through its depiction of the journey and obstacles faced by several families right here in the East Bay in their pursuit of the American dream.

The Lunda people were known to have of the largest expansions in Central Africa.

 » Read more about: ‘Descendants’ Wins Film Award  »

Embarc donates to school supplies

Embarc Supports AEF’s School Supplies Program

Thank you to Embarc General Manager, George Holmes, for supporting AEF’s Backpack and School Supply drive with a generous grant! This year we are supporting 800 Alameda low-income students by providing them with new backpacks and quality school supplies so that they are equipped for success on the first day of school! We appreciate Embarc’s support of this important effort!

 » Read more about: Embarc Supports AEF’s School Supplies Program  »

AEF Executive Director Vicki Sedlack Wins Community Award!

On April 25, 2024, AEF Executive Director, Vicki Sedlack, attended the Alameda Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards and was honored to receive the Community Leader of the Year Award!

You can view the list of awardees on page 3 here.

Vicki stated: “It is such a honor and I am so grateful. It is also a testament of how important the work of AEF is.

 » Read more about: AEF Executive Director Vicki Sedlack Wins Community Award!  »

Summer Camps Lego

Once Again AEF Wins Top 5!

Parents Press Top 5 2023Once again, the readers of Parents Press ranked Alameda Education Foundation in the ‘Top 5 Reader’s Choice STEM Enrichment Programs in Alameda County in 2023′. We also were chosen in the top 5 enrichment programs in 2022.

See what AEF is offering now for STEM and other After School classes at Alameda public schools.

See all the results of the Parents Press 2023 Top Classes and Enrichment Programs in Alameda County as voted for by the readers of Parents Press here.

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