Category: Community Awards

Thank you Bank of Marin!

Thank You Bank of Marin!

Thank you to the Bank of Marin for granting $5,000 to Alameda Education Foundation to support AEF Teacher Mini Grants! With a specific focus on need, Teacher Mini Grants provide an opportunity for AUSD teachers to apply for items that will benefit their students but that are not covered in the school budget. Many of these grants focus on teachers at Title I schools and special programs, such as Special Ed and English Language Learning.

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City of Alameda

AEF Wins Community Service

On November 5, 2020, Mayor Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft and the City of Alameda’s Social Service Human Relations Board honored this year’s recipients at the Seventh Annual Community Service Awards Ceremony. This year the awards honor individuals, businesses, and organizations that made noteworthy contributions to our community, particularly in advancing racial justice or responding to the COVID-19 crisis.

Alameda Education Foundation won the Non-Profit of the Year award and three AUSD students won Youth Service awards.

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