STEAM Stations at Ruby Bridges
Jana Harvey, 3rd Grade teacher at Ruby Bridges received a...
Jana Harvey, 3rd Grade teacher at Ruby Bridges received a...
Nalani Ngoon Warde, Librarian at Ruby Bridges Elementary, requested an...
Mandie Cline is the Instructional Coach at Maya Lin Elementary...
In the opening weeks of the 2024-25 school year, AUSD’s Student Services department partnered with Alameda Family Services to provide whole-class social emotional lessons for grades K-5. AUSD and AFS staff and therapists went into classrooms for 3 days of mini lessons focused on inclusivity, kindness, and being an ‘upstander’. AUSD Department of Student Services’ Cassie Ferguson, needed supplies for small arts and craft projects for students to create and take home or keep in the classroom as a reminder of the ideas and issues that were covered.
» Read more about: Social Emotional Learning for Elementary School Students »
Stephanie Lisle, 1st Grade Teacher at Ruby Bridges Elementary, asked...
Julia Jawad, an SAI (Specialized Academic Instruction) teacher at Lincoln...
In the 2022-23 school year, Derrick Lyons, Encinal Jr. Sr. High School’s CTE Marketing Pathway teacher, collaborated with the Alameda Chamber of Commerce to develop a Junior Chamber program with the help of AUSD CTE pathway specialist, Felicia Vargas. A Teacher Mini Grant from AEF supported Mr. Lyon’s research and planning for this program.
“When we launched Transitional Kindergarten (TK) in the district 11 years ago, we got trained in a supplemental curriculum that supports developmentally appropriate letter and number formation. It was called Handwriting Without Tears (now called Learning Without Tears). This year, the District decided not to fund student “consumables” (materials). I have purchased much on my own this year, but was hoping to get support for the number writing books. The number writing book supports number orientation (not writing backward),