Category: Teachers

Field trip to USS Hornet

Students Learn WWII History on the Hornet

Encinal High School teacher, Jarred Fobian, needed assistance with funding to take his students on a field trip to the USS Hornet, to learn about US and local history related to WWII.

He wrote: “Thank you so very much for helping fund our field trip! Students who attended were put into groups and learned about how the Hornet was part of the Space Race, WWII, new technology and about Japanese Internment as well as the 442nd.

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Love 4th Grade games day

Games Build Social Connection

Fourth grade teacher at Love Elementary, Ryan Brazil, asked AEF for some help with funding hands on games and puzzles for more educational fun during rainy days. Here’s what he wrote:

After a very rainy week and lots of indoor recesses, our class quickly realized how little we have in the games department. We would love to be able to step away from computer games and interact with each other with games like connect 4,

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TV used by Ruby Bridges PE program

Support for Physical Education Program

TV used by Ruby Bridges PE programMarie Ratto, the Physical Education Teacher at Ruby Bridges Elementary reached out to AEF for help in purchasing a new 27″-32″ TV for her Physical Education Program to replace a very old TV. The TV will be used to support students in fitness and other areas in the Ruby Bridges Physical Education curriculum. It’s particularly helpful on rainy days when some of classes have to move to the ARPD Bayport Community building for indoor P.E.

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