With Your Support AEF Did Good Work in 2023-2024:
AEF focuses our work on equity-centered support and program management. In 2023-2024 we provided $134,000 in support for mini grants, technology, school supplies, and mental health care and $596,000 in program management for visual art, enrichment classes and camps, and sports. Read below for details!
Teacher Mini Grants
AEF Teacher Mini grants are a prime example of equity-focused support where it's needed most. AEF provided 47 Mini Grants worth over $33,000, primarily at Title I schools and for teachers of special programs, for a wide range of needs including supplies and books for curriculum and reading support, classroom furnishings, student field trips, innovative projects, teacher development and team building events, and STEM and technology programs.
AEF also sponsored the Descendants: The Story of Us film presentation, in collaboration with AUSD Office of Equity Coordinator Shanti Croom. The video has been watched throughout the district and was promoted in the press.
Technology Support

(L-R) Sam Smith, Christopher Setera, Giuliana Means and Mirabelle (Elle) Kruger attend the College Broadcasting, Inc., conference in Orlando, Florida.
AEF provided Technology Support via our Power Up for Learning program for:
- Scholarships for students in STEM related after school enrichment classes and summer camps.
- Teacher Mini Grants for STEM related classroom projects or supplies, and for special technology related student field trips.
- Support for 20 internet hot spots and devices to keep families in need connected to important educational updates and information.
Thank you to Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) for helping to underwrite these programs through your partnership in Power Up For Learning, which provides an ongoing funding source for student and teacher technology needs. Please click here to learn how you can support technology needs for as little as $5 per month!
School Supplies
At the beginning of the school year, AEF gave 900 fully-stocked new backpacks to under-served students to ensure they started the school year with the supplies they need for success. They were distributed to:
- Alameda Unified School District - Title 1 Schools
- Alameda Point Collaborative - Children & Youth services
- Operation Dignity - homeless and formerly homeless children & youth in Alameda
Mental Health Care Support
AEF is committed to funding mental health care services for AUSD students, staff, and families by granting $27,000 to Care Solace, a complimentary and confidential care coordination service.
Key figures from CareSolace from 2023-2024:
- 1,072 Inbound interactions
- 7,245 Communications saved
- 77 Warm Handoffs (all referrals from school staff)
- 17 Family initiated cases (families who contacted Care Solace and solicited help from a Care Companion)
- 57 anonymous searches for providers (families searched the Care Solace database on their own and did not request a Care Companion)
- 34 Total appointments into care.
Arts Programs
In 2023-2024, AEF continued to display over 800 pieces of student art on a rotating basis at locations throughout Alameda as part of our Art Across the Island program. Student art is displayed at Books Inc., Lilac Dress Boutique, See Spot Run, all three of our city libraries, and the K Gallery at Rhythmix Cultural Works.
The theme of this year's Art Changes program, This is My Story, was interwoven into three new artist videos for Alex D. da Silva , Bill Jeng and poet Shanti Lair Croom, who introduced creative writing to our program. Teachers now have access to 21 artist videos and classroom art lessons to enable a deeper exploration of concepts through art. Student art was Student art was exhibited in the K Gallery at Rhythmix Cultural Works. Student poets also participated in our first Poetry Slam at Books Inc. on April 20, 2024.
Enrichment After School Classes
Over 1,650 students participated in 199 After School Enrichment classes. We gave out 137 scholarships, valued at $30,915, to students on economic assistance programs. This was nearly double from the previous school year and underscores our focus on equity and inclusivity in our programs and schools.
AEF offers a wide variety of Enrichment Classes at every elementary school in the District, plus an extensive and popular Cross Country program for middle schoolers.
Enrichment Summer Camps
In the summer of 2023, AEF's Summer Camp program had 850 registrations in one or several of the 76 camps offered over 4 weeks. Camps included Spanish, Chinese, Rock Band, LEGO, Robotics, Writing, Drawing, Sports and much more! Camps were held on the Bay Farm School campus.
As part of our focus on equity, we have made camp information and the registration process easier to navigate, and we offer 50% scholarships to families in need.
Middle School Sports
Our full Middle School Sports program (volleyball, basketball, and track & field) continues to foster essential life skills including sportsmanship and teamwork. We work with school sites to incorporate academic and behavioral tie-ins to help students prepare for high school.
During the 2023-2024 school year we had increased participation in all sports! In total, 718 6th - 8th graders benefitted from this program, including 129 participants (10 teams) in our co-ed Volleyball program, 107 participants (8 teams) in Girls Basketball, 148 participants (10 teams) in Boys Basketball, and 334 participants (on 12 teams) in Track and Field.
Our program is based at school sites to provide accessibility to students whose families do not have the resources for community or club sports. Modest participation fees are supported by generous scholarships. This year, we provided 138 scholarships of 90% or 100% to students in need. Our Program Principles focus our program on equity and inclusivity.
AEF's Middle School Sports program costs approximately $100,000 to run annually and we receive no district funding. Community support from people like you make the magic happen. Read more about the program here.
None of this would have happened without you! Your generous donation allows AEF to bridge the gap and enrich the educational experiences of so many Alameda public school students. Thank you!
Prior Years