Microphone Helps Students Find Their Voice

"Our classroom needed a microphone to hear kids present. In my classroom, we present our writing every day. I used to have a very old speaker system that broke this year. Students present their daily writing,  and often we can't hear students due to mask wearing or soft voices. This is one of the favorite parts of our day. Having a mic builds student confidence, and engages kids that would not normally speak. I was going to buy it out of my own money and then remembered AEF Mini Grants! Thanks for considering my grant request."

"Room 10 at Paden School wants to give a big shout out and thanks for the microphone we were able to purchase with your donation funds! Please see the video clip (below) of one of the ways we use the mic. Due to masks and soft third grade voices that are still learning to project, I have found mic usage increases presenter engagement and audience listening skills. When the mic is offered as a reading choice, 100% of my class wants to read their writing to the class! We appreciate you AEF!"

Susan Campbell and the Future Orators of Room 10, Paden Elementary