Miss Alameda, Recycle Woman

Purchase your tickets by November 20th to help save the planet!

Recycle Woman is a super hero whose alias is Miss Alameda. Recycle Woman made a promise to herself that she would do everything in her power to help save the planet and the people of the world. Her super powers help her accomplish this mission by giving her the ability to fly and show people images of the planet’s condition due to pollution and mistreatment, through the palm of her hand. She can even dump the plastic gyre from the ocean onto people who refuse to listen. Her mission is to teach the community the power behind living sustainable lifestyles and taking responsibility for their everyday choices.

The film is sponsored by StopWaste.org, Northern California Recycling Association, Altamont Education Advisory Board, and Alameda County Industries. There are special guest appearances from Alameda’s Mayor Marie Gilmore and the Alameda’s Fire and Police Captains. With the support from Captain Charles Moore (who discovered the plastic gyre), the movie provides real life footage of plastic in the ocean from his movie, “Synthetic Sea.” The goal is to help create more awareness of the planets condition and empower people with the tools to start making simple sustainable changes in their daily lives to help save our home, planet Earth.

The Ticket Purchase on this link (deal/offer ends November 20th):


Provides a $10 donation that will go directly to the Alameda Educational Foundation, Kids On The Move America, and the LoveLife Foundation. Also, included is a movie pass (same price of a movie ticket), which will allow attendees to see any full length feature film in the Alameda Theatre after viewing the short film, “Recycle Woman.”

VIP Package holders will have an envelope waiting for them at the event, with personalized certificates from the organizations, an autographed photo of Recycle Woman and Donald Lacy (director), and the movie pass.

Thank you!

Peace and Love on Earth,

Jessica Robinson
Miss Alameda

Press Kit:

