STEAM Resources for Special Programs

Scott Hixon, 3rd grade teacher at Love School, contacted AEF after receiving a Teacher Mini Grants to supplement a Berkeley Rep "Storybuilders" program, and for STEM/STEAM resources, including a teacher/student microphone and speaker. Funds were also used for math games, engineering supplies and display boards where students will share the results of their science experiments at the school Open House. Students were asked to answer the question:  how can we create a water filter that improves water quality and limits pollution?

Mr. Hixon wrote: "Thank you, AEF, for the classroom mini grant that has allowed me to purchase new books, a high-end mic and speaker system for teacher and students, supplementing visual and fine arts to help fund experiences and projects. We are enjoying them all with one last box of books/supplies to be delivered within the next two weeks. Everything has been enjoyed and appreciated by our classroom. You can see some of the activities AEF has made happen that would not otherwise occur for our wonderfully diverse Title 1 identified school. Through your generosity, learning is not just more attainable but more fun. These are the experiences that we will remember and appreciate...and most of the supplies will positively affect my and other classrooms for years to come."

This Teacher Mini Grant was made possible by

Power Up for Learning PUFL

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"AEF are quiet but the most appreciated heroes to our learning and wonderfully diverse Alameda community. On behalf of me and my 25 students, we are most grateful for your hard work, generosity and support to both teachers and students. We thank you!"

Below are some pics of a few examples of AEF's support this year - mini grants and beyond!