Thank You Windermere Foundation!
AEF is very grateful to be a part of a group of Alameda non-profits who received a generous donation from Windemere Foundation.
Shannon Reese from Windemere wrote: “Windermere Bay Area Properties is grateful to be connected with such dedicated leaders in the Alameda community. It’s a privilege to work alongside each of you to make a positive impact here.”
Thank you Windemere for your support of Alameda students and teachers!

Back row (L-R): Morris McKay, (Mastick Senior Center) & Ed Kofman (Alameda Meals on Wheels and Friendly Visitors).
Front row (L-R): Jennifer Pigza (Girls, Inc. of the Island City), Vicki Sedlack (Alameda Education Foundation), Jennifer Radakovich (Rhythmix), Nancy Anderson (Alameda Welfare Council) & Teale Harden (Alameda Food Bank).

Center: Catherine Bierwith, Windermere
Back row (L-R): Chris Curtis (Windermere), Morris McKay (Mastick Senior Center), Vicki Sedlack (Alameda Education Foundation), Ed Kofman (Alameda Meals on Wheels and Friendly Visitors), Sally Anne Rudloff (Windermere), Barbara Krummel (Alameda Welfare Council), & Shannon Reese (Windermere).
Middle row (L-R): Jennifer Radakovich (Rhythmix), Dona Fuller (Windermere), Kathy Ratto (Windermere), Teale Harden (Alameda Food Bank) & Peter Fletcher (Windermere).
Front row (L-R): Jennifer Pigza (Girls, Inc. of the Island City), Darlene Gardner (Windermere), Karen Miller (Windermere), Nancy Anderson (Alameda Welfare Council), Tracy Becker (Alameda Welfare Council), and Michelle Morgan (Windermere).