Category: Accomplishments

Robotics Competition

Over 80 students participate in Robotics competition!

Members of the Ruby Bridges robotics team work on their spacecraft during the 2018 Robotics competition for students in grades 4 – 8 that was held at Wood Middle School on May 12th. Over 80 students representing 12 teams from 6 Alameda public schools participated in the competition. First place went to Wood Middle School’s Well Done Pepes. A tie for second was between the Franklin Elementary Vaccines and Bay Farm Dolphins.

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Safe Spaces

by Robert Scofield, Island High School Teacher

Adopt a Classroom recipientWhen Safe Spaces was adopted, I took it to the group to see what they felt would be a good use for the donation.  After lots of discussion, the students decided that they would like to use the money to address something that is a huge issue for the LGBTQ community, which is homelessness.  Unfortunately, many youth in the LGBTQ community are not accepted by their families when they choose to come out,

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