Salma Arastu
Salma Arastu describes her series Our Earth: Embracing All Communities...
Salma Arastu describes her series Our Earth: Embracing All Communities...
Thank you to Embarc General Manager, George Holmes, for supporting AEF’s Backpack and School Supply drive with a generous grant! This year we are supporting 800 Alameda low-income students by providing them with new backpacks and quality school supplies so that they are equipped for success on the first day of school! We appreciate Embarc’s support of this important effort!
» Read more about: Embarc Supports AEF’s School Supplies Program »
Alameda’s South Shore Center will be hosting a Summer Beats...
In the 2022-23 school year, Derrick Lyons, Encinal Jr. Sr. High School’s CTE Marketing Pathway teacher, collaborated with the Alameda Chamber of Commerce to develop a Junior Chamber program with the help of AUSD CTE pathway specialist, Felicia Vargas. A Teacher Mini Grant from AEF supported Mr. Lyon’s research and planning for this program.
3rd graders in Scott Hixon’s class at Love Elementary watched Derrick Bell’s video (as well as the project video) and made portraits filled with flowers. Here are a few examples of their art:
» Read more about: Student Art Based on Art by Derrick Bell »
“When we launched Transitional Kindergarten (TK) in the district 11 years ago, we got trained in a supplemental curriculum that supports developmentally appropriate letter and number formation. It was called Handwriting Without Tears (now called Learning Without Tears). This year, the District decided not to fund student “consumables” (materials). I have purchased much on my own this year, but was hoping to get support for the number writing books. The number writing book supports number orientation (not writing backward),
AEF provided funds for lunch for a field trip to Santa Clara University and San Jose State for students at the College and Career Center at Encinal High School on March 6th. College and Career Advisor, Lee Kaplan, sent AEF the photo of the trip!
Scott Hixon, 3rd grade teacher at Love School, contacted AEF...