KODU Computer Game Design

KODU Computer Game Design – For grades see below

Lincoln School, 1250 Fernside Blvd, Alameda

Click on blue Enrichment button on the left to register.

Microsoft’s Kodu is a new visual programming language for creating games and virtual worlds. The icon-based, language allows students to design, program and test their own games on the PC or XBox. Kodu is a creative construction tool that supports contemporary teaching and higher-order Web 2.0 learning, emphasizing links to creative programming and critical thinking. Anyone can use Kodu to make a game, young children as well as adults, with no design or programming skills.

Grades 3-5 (completed)

Start Date: June 30 – End Date: July 3
Time: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
$175 plus $5 materials fee

Grades 6-8 (completed)

Start Date: June 30 – End Date: July 3
Time: 1:00 – 5:00 PM
$175 plus $5 materials fee