Power Up For Learning

Power Up for Learning PUFL

Power Up for Learning (PUFL)
Keeps Students Connected and Supports STEM Learning!


Power Up for Learning is a joint program of AEF and Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) that provides an ongoing funding source for student and teacher technology needs. AMP customers sign up to have a small amount added to their monthly power bill. AMP collects these funds and provide them to AEF to use for technology support.

For as little as $5 per month you can help us provide internet to under-served students on an ongoing basis. Just sign up below!

If you have moved recently and were contributing to PUFL, please RE-APPLY to continue your contribution.


  1. INTERNET HOT SPOTS: All students deserve equal access to learning! We have students who are unhoused or in unstable housing, and families who do not have internet connection. Students need the ability to complete school assignments, to stay connected with their teacher and classmates, and access to communications from the Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) about essential school information. In response, AEF funds internet 'hot spots' and data for public school students and families in Alameda who are unable to access free or reduced internet connection offered by internet providers. These hot spots are rotated according to need. Families who are already struggling with poverty need to keep their students connected so they can succeed academically.
  2. TECHNOLOGY FOCUSED TEACHER MINI GRANTS: AEF provides grants that focus on teachers at low-income schools or of special, underfunded, programs such as special education. Thanks to Power Up for Learning (PUFL), we are able to increase our support of these grants, be it for tools (3-D printers), educational  opportunities (Career Technical Education), or field trips. See below for technology related Teacher Mini Grants we've given out recently.
  3. Students using technologySCHOLARSHIPS FOR TECHNOLOGY FOCUSED ENRICHMENT CLASSES: AEF is providing more of STEM related classes at our lower-income schools so these students have the same opportunity for fun, hands-on learning as their more affluent peers. Some of our most popular After School Enrichment classes are in the STEM fields, including Lego Basics and Robotics, Coding, Life Sciences, Engineering, and more. AEF enrichment programs feature small class sizes and are taught by experts in their fields. AEF is directing PUFL funds to student scholarships for STEM classes at our Title I (low-income) elementary schools and/or for qualifying students.

Register for Affordable Broadband!

The Alameda Education Foundation encourages eligible families to apply to the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) from the State of California. Qualified households can receive a minimum discount of $30 per month through this program.

For more info on the ACP Program go to internetforallnow.org

Questions? Call 1-866-484-1188