Category: Teacher Mini Grants

Teacher Mini Grants

Star Store Provides Positive Incentives

“Thank you again for your generous grant to our classroom! With your grant, we were able to purchase a year long supply of amazing toys/prizes for our Star Store. Our school has a PBIS system where our emphasis is on positive incentives for following our school and class expectations. Students receive “star cards” for following our school expectations.

Getting brand new prizes for the Star Store keeps our students SO motivated to earn Star cards,

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FabLab at Island High

AEF Funds Two FabLab Instructors

FabLab at Island HighAEF funded stipends for two FabLab instructors from College of Alameda who will assist Gerard Dumuk in starting the Engineering course and coordinate workshop sessions for students at CoA’s FabLab. Gerard has set up the Fab Lab equipment and the Island High students are already producing products. This shelving in the photo was made with a 3D printer.

This class provides students with an opportunity to learn schematics, problem-solving, computer skills,

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Focal Scholar appreciation bags

Focal Scholar Appreciation Bags

Focal Scholar appreciation bagsA heartfelt THANK YOU to AEF for their support of our Focal Scholar appreciations bags. Thirty-six students and families were recipients. Many teachers visited homes to deliver these prior to (and during) our winter break.

Each bag contained:

  • Ruby Bridges book, Konscious Kidz book to support literacy at home
  • Snack and a mini toy
  • Mini writing journal and gel pens
  • Focal Scholar button
  • Scholar key chain
  • Family UNO game

We look forward to an in-person meet with our families soon!

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mini grant for special education needs

Mini Grants Are Used For…

It’s gift giving season and one of the best gifts we know of are AEF Mini Grants for our teachers. Our dedicated teachers often spend their own money on things their students need. In California, teachers annually spend $664 out of their own pockets – more than any other state. This is definitely an equity issue as teachers in wealthy districts or parts of town are more likely to have access to resources than those in less affluent areas.

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Teacher with voice amplifier

AEF Mini Grants Support the Front Lines

No one knows better what students need than the professionals who work directly with them. That’s why AEF is continuing to provide Mini Grants allowing teachers to purchase instructional items to meet specific unmet needs unique to their classrooms or even to lift up that one special student. Mini Grants have also been given to special programs such as translation services and mental health events. AEF approved 17 Mini Grants in October 2021!

Some of the efforts being supported by these grants include:

  • A bicycle for student in need
  • Leveled reader books
  • Support for translation services
  • Special education supplies,

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bicycle for student

AEF Teacher Mini Grant Makes an Impact

AEF recently awarded a mini grant to AUSD student support services to purchase a bicycle for a student in need. Here’s the scoop from the program manager:

“AUSD’s Coordination of Services team is so proud of the way this student has begun the school year—so positively! She recently got a job and she really wants to arrive at school and work on time this year. She mentioned to our attendance clerk that she is frustrated that she doesn’t have a lot of say of when she gets places,

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