Category: Accomplishments

Hear the AEF News!

AEF Executive Director Vicki Sedlack Wins Community Award!

On April 25, 2024, AEF Executive Director, Vicki Sedlack, attended the Alameda Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards and was honored to receive the Community Leader of the Year Award!

You can view the list of awardees on page 3 here.

Vicki stated: “It is such a honor and I am so grateful. It is also a testament of how important the work of AEF is.

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bicycle for student

AEF Teacher Mini Grant Makes an Impact

AEF recently awarded a mini grant to AUSD student support services to purchase a bicycle for a student in need. Here’s the scoop from the program manager:

“AUSD’s Coordination of Services team is so proud of the way this student has begun the school year—so positively! She recently got a job and she really wants to arrive at school and work on time this year. She mentioned to our attendance clerk that she is frustrated that she doesn’t have a lot of say of when she gets places,

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City of Alameda

AEF Wins Community Service

On November 5, 2020, Mayor Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft and the City of Alameda’s Social Service Human Relations Board honored this year’s recipients at the Seventh Annual Community Service Awards Ceremony. This year the awards honor individuals, businesses, and organizations that made noteworthy contributions to our community, particularly in advancing racial justice or responding to the COVID-19 crisis.

Alameda Education Foundation won the Non-Profit of the Year award and three AUSD students won Youth Service awards.

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Robotics Competition

Over 80 students participate in Robotics competition!

Members of the Ruby Bridges robotics team work on their spacecraft during the 2018 Robotics competition for students in grades 4 – 8 that was held at Wood Middle School on May 12th. Over 80 students representing 12 teams from 6 Alameda public schools participated in the competition. First place went to Wood Middle School’s Well Done Pepes. A tie for second was between the Franklin Elementary Vaccines and Bay Farm Dolphins.

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Safe Spaces

Safe Spaces

by Robert Scofield, Island High School Teacher

Adopt a Classroom recipientWhen Safe Spaces was adopted, I took it to the group to see what they felt would be a good use for the donation.  After lots of discussion, the students decided that they would like to use the money to address something that is a huge issue for the LGBTQ community, which is homelessness.  Unfortunately, many youth in the LGBTQ community are not accepted by their families when they choose to come out,

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How AEF Serves YOUR Student!

How AEF Serves YOUR Student!

Elementary School

Hundreds of after-school enrichment classes in the art, music, athletics, science, technology, foreign languages and more.  Small class sizes taught by experts in their field.  Registration begins Thursday, August 25th at 9:30 AM.  Click on the blue “enrichment” button on the left to register.  

Middle School 

After-school, year-round competitive sports league based at school sites including coed volleyball (fall)girls and boys basketball (winter) and track &

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Enriching Lives, One at a Time

Enriching Lives, One at a Time


The sheer volume of AEF’s Enrichment program is impressive enough – 400 after school classes and 70 summer camps serving upwards of 3,000 students per year. But it’s the impact it makes on the individual students that means the most.

Take Caitlin*. A second grader, Caitlin signed up for one of AEF’s “Beginning Violin” classes. She had missed almost the full prior year of school following three weeks in the hospital and was finding it hard to adjust to being back at school.

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