Category: AEF in the News

Alameda HS Students Tackle Big Issues Through Art

Alameda HS Students Tackle Big Issues Through Art

Article in the Alameda Sun, Thurs. Dec. 23, 2021 – Sun Staff Reports

Alameda High School’s (AHS) Career Technical Education (CTE) students used their design skills to turn art into activism by producing powerful posters that promote vaccines, ecology and anti-racism. These posters are on display in the windows of Books Inc. (1344 Park St.) and Lilac Dress Boutique (1918 Encinal Ave.).

The artworks are part of Alameda Education Foundation’s (AEF) Art Across the Island.

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Teacher with voice amplifier

AEF Mini Grants Support the Front Lines

No one knows better what students need than the professionals who work directly with them. That’s why AEF is continuing to provide Mini Grants allowing teachers to purchase instructional items to meet specific unmet needs unique to their classrooms or even to lift up that one special student. Mini Grants have also been given to special programs such as translation services and mental health events. AEF approved 17 Mini Grants in October 2021!

Some of the efforts being supported by these grants include:

  • A bicycle for student in need
  • Leveled reader books
  • Support for translation services
  • Special education supplies,

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Supervisor Chan supports Equipped for Success

Thank you Supervisor Chan!

This is a post AEF made in 2014 showing how Supervisor Wilma Chan was a long term supporter of Alameda Education Foundation, along with numerous other community organizations. She will be missed tremendously.

Supervisor Chan recently donated $3500 to the Equipped 4 Success school supply drive. Early childhood education is a critical element in Supervisor Chan’s “New War on Poverty” initiative. Supervisor Chan’s donation will support incoming Alameda low-income kindergarteners with backpacks and age appropriate supplies so they are ready to learn the first day of school.

 » Read more about: Thank you Supervisor Chan!  »

relay race

AEF Middle School Sports are Back with an Equity Focus

AEF is back at it with our Middle School Sports program, which we have been running since 2009 after it was cut by AUSD. AUSD and public middle school students are eligible to participate as part of their school teams. Girls Basketball games begin in January 2022 with the boys games following in March. Coed Volleyball and Track & Field will be spring sports.

AEF took advantage of the break in action to create Guiding Principles to steer the program.

 » Read more about: AEF Middle School Sports are Back with an Equity Focus  »

Equity vs Equality

What is Equity?

by Vicki Sedlack, Executive Director of AEF

Equity is a word we hear a lot these days, even more so since the pandemic.

But what exactly is equity? How do we achieve it? And how do we know if we have?

It is easier to say what equity is not, and it is not equality. The illustration below is often used to make this distinction.

But does this illustration truly depict equity?

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