Teacher Mini Grants

One of the best gifts we know of are AEF Mini Grants for our teachers. With a specific focus on need, Teacher Mini Grants provide an opportunity for AUSD teachers to apply for items that will benefit their students but that are not covered in the school budget. Many of these grants focus on teachers at schools that receive Title I funding or who work with multi-lingual students or students with different learning styles or abilities. Your donation will allow us to fund teachers' specific requests on a rolling basis.

If you are a teacher at an AUSD school that receives Title 1 funding, or work with students who are multi-lingual and/or have different learning styles or abilities, and would like more information or to apply for a mini grant, please email AEF at info@alamedaeducation.org. NOTE: Teacher Mini Grant applications are now closed for the 2024-25 school year. We will reopen applications in the fall for the 2025-26 school year.

Thank you to our community donors!

All our donors (including YOU!) make this all possible!

Alameda Rotary Endowment Foundation

Alameda Welfare Council

Kiwanis Alameda

See how teachers are using AEF Mini Grants creatively to uplift students below.

Thank you to donors for making a difference in the classroom!